Since you apparently read it, but don't understand it: It means the armour can't be penetrated. Navy 16"/50 gun with late-World War II hard-capped AP projectiles, but even these projectiles would always ricochet the YAMATO's own 18.1" (46cm) hard-capped AP projectiles, which were designed to an only slightly-improved British circa-1921 armor penetration specification, could not even make a hole in these plates at any range, though the impacts might crack them! NOTE: The 26" (66cm) VH turret face plates on the YAMATO Class were inclined back 45o and were the only plates that could not be completely penetrated by any gun ever put on a warship-these plates could be holed at point blank range by a newly-lined World War II U.S. They essentially have nothing to do with this debate since they are separate guns using shells never used for the South Dakota Class or North Carolina Class, nor the Iowa, and I never contended a Colorado Class Battleship could take on the Yamato by itself. These are the guns which ACTUALLY have a max range of 35,000 yards from a 30 degree elevation.

It appears you have screwed up and included the guns of the Colorado Class and their 2,200 pound shells in your penetration statistics table. You appear to be paying extremely little attention to where you data is coming from and how it applies. There obviously IS a contradiction on the last point, because while the tables assert the Yamato's guns have superior penetration at point blank range, that piece of information contends that the Iowa's guns have superior penetration at point blank range since they can penetrate the Yamato's turrent face armor and the Yamato's own gun couldn't do this. You need to starting paying close attention to these details, because otherwise you're including irrelevant information and simply wasting our time.

It appears you have screwed up and included the guns of the Colorado Class and their 2,200 pound shells in your calculations somehow. These also happen to have a superior deck armor penetration of 7.62 inches at 30,000 yards and a whopping 10.57 inches of deck armor at 35,000 yards.

The guns with a max range of 36,900 yards are the US 16/45 guns used on the South Dakota and North Carolina Class ships. The Iowa's guns certainly DON'T have a max range of 35000 yards. Click to expand.You appear to be paying extremely little attention to where you data is coming from and how it applies.